1999-2019 Chapel Hill Expert Survey (CHES) trend file
The Chapel Hill expert surveys estimate party positioning on European integration, ideology and policy issues for national parties in a variety of European countries. The first survey was conducted in 1999, with subsequent waves in 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2019. The number of countries increased from 14 Western European countries in 1999 to 24 current or prospective EU members in 2006 to 31 countries in 2019. In this time, the number of national parties grew from 143 to 277. The 2019 survey includes all EU member states, plus parties in Norway, Switzerland, and Turkey. Separate surveys were conducted in the Balkan candidate countries. Questions on parties' general position on European integration, several EU policies, general left/right, economic left/right, and social left/right are common to all surveys. More recent surveys also contain questions on non-EU policy issues, such as anti-elite rhetoric, immigration, redistribution, decentralization, and environmental policy.
how to cite
When using the 1999-2019 trend file, cite the following:
Jolly, Seth, Ryan Bakker, Liesbet Hooghe, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, and Milada Anna Vachudova. 2022. “Chapel Hill Expert Survey Trend File, 1999-2019.” Electoral Studies 75 (February). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.electstud.2021.102420
2024 Chapel Hill expert survey
CHES was administered between October 10 and November 20, 2024 for EU-West countries plus Turkey, and between November 1, 2024 to December 17, 2024 for EU-East countries. The survey was completed by 609 political scientists specializing in political parties and European integration. This wave of the Chapel Hill Expert survey provides information about the positioning of the leadership of 279 parties in 31 countries over the course of 2024 on ideology, policy, populism, democracy, European integration, and select EU policy questions. Country coverage includes all European Union member states except for Luxembourg -- plus Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. The 2024 survey can be combined with prior waves to produce a trend file with six time points from 1999 to 2019, making the CHES the longest-running, most extensive expert survey on political parties in Europe.
Ryan Bakker, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, and Milada Anna Vachudova.
how to cite
When using 2024 expert survey, cite the following:
Rovny, Jan, Ryan Bakker, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, Marco Steenbergen, and Milada Vachudova. “25 Years of Political Party Positions in Europe: The Chapel Hill Expert Survey, 1999-2024,” working paper.
When using the 1999-2019 trend file, cite the following:
Jolly, Seth, Ryan Bakker, Liesbet Hooghe, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, and Milada Anna Vachudova. 2022. “Chapel Hill Expert Survey Trend File, 1999-2019.” Electoral Studies. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.electstud.2021.102420
Special Edition Chapel Hill Expert Surveys (SPEED CHES)
2023 SPEED CHES - Ukraine
Administered in June 2023 and completed by 217 political scientists specializing in political parties and European integration, the 2020 SPEED CHES - Ukraine provides information about the positioning of 274 parties on policies related to the Russian invasion of Ukraine along with general ideological positions. The survey covers political parties in 30 countries, including all European Union member states except for Luxembourg and Cyprus, plus Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. The data set adopts the country code and party id schema of the CHES Trend file with extensions for newly covered parties so it can be merged with the trend file.
Ryan Bakker, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, and Milada Anna Vachudova. The CHES team gratefully acknowledges the research assistance of Courtney Blackington and funding from the Kenan and Burton Craige Chairs at UNC-Chapel Hill and ERC Grant #885026 TRANSNATIONAL at the EUI-Florence.
If you use the Speed CHES-Ukraine data, please cite:
Hooghe, Liesbet, Gary Marks, Ryan Bakker, Seth Jolly, Jon Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, Milada Anna Vachudova. 2024. “The Russian Threat and the Consolidation of the West: How Populism and EU-skepticism shape party support for Ukraine.” European Union Politics 25.3. PDF and Online Appendix
2020 SPEED CHES - Covid
Administered in June 2020 and completed by 257 political scientists specializing in political parties and European integration, the 2020 SPEED CHES provides information about the positioning of 251 parties on four COVID-19 related policies. The survey covers political parties in 32 countries, including all European Union member states except for Luxembourg, plus Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. Merge with the 2019 CHES data and codebook for country codes, party names and ideological positions.
Ryan Bakker, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, and Milada Anna Vachudova.
If you use the Covid data, please cite:
Jan Rovny, Ryan Bakker, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Gary Marks, Jon Polk, Marco Steenbergen, Milada Vachudova. 2022. “Contesting Covid: The Ideological Bases of Partisan Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic.” European Journal of Political Research. https://doi.org/10.1111/1475-6765.12510
2019 Chapel Hill expert survey
Administered in winter 2020 and completed by 421 political scientists specializing in political parties and European integration, the 2019 CHES provides information about the positioning of 277 parties on political ideology, European integration, and various policy areas. The survey covers political parties in 32 countries, including all European Union member states, plus Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey. The 2019 survey can be combined with prior waves to produce a trend file with six time points from 1999 to 2019, making the CHES the longest-running, most extensive expert survey on political parties in Europe.
Ryan Bakker, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, and Milada Anna Vachudova.
how to cite
When using 2019 expert survey, cite the following:
When using the 1999-2019 trend file, cite the following:
Jolly, Seth, Ryan Bakker, Liesbet Hooghe, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, and Milada Anna Vachudova. Forthcoming. “Chapel Hill Expert Survey Trend File, 1999-2019.” Electoral Studies. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.electstud.2021.102420
2019 CHES Candidate Survey
This dataset provides the data for the 2019 Chapel Hill Expert Survey on the positioning of 58 political parties in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia. It focuses on political ideology, European integration, and policy positions. The survey was administered between July 2020 to September 2020.
Ryan Bakker, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, and Milada Anna Vachudova.
When using this expert survey, cite the following:
Ryan Bakker, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, and Milada Anna Vachudova. 2020. “2019 Chapel Hill Candidate Survey.” Version 2019.1. Available on chesdata.eu. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
2017 Chapel Hill Expert FLASH Survey (CHES)
This survey was carried out in January and February 2018, and asked about party positions in 2017. It is a reduced survey that focuses on a smaller set of EU member states. The survey asks all the standard questions on EU placement, economic and social party positioning. In terms of policy issues, the survey focuses on the key questions facing Europe in 2017 -- EU economic coordination, populism, and migration.
PIs: Ryan Bakker, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Gary Marks, Jon Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, Milada Anna Vachudova. Research assistance by David Attewell and Jelle Koedam.
how to cite
When using 2017 expert survey, cite the following:
Polk, Jonathan, Jan Rovny, Ryan Bakker, Erica Edwards, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Jelle Koedam, Filip Kostelka, Gary Marks, Gijs Schumacher, Marco Steenbergen, Milada Anna Vachudova and Marko Zilovic. 2017. "Explaining the salience of anti-elitism and reducing political corruption for political parties in Europe with the 2014 Chapel Hill Expert Survey data," Research & Politics (January-March): 1-9.
2017 Means data (in csv)
2014 Chapel Hill expert survey
Administered in the fall of 2014 to 337 political scientists specializing in political parties and European integration, the 2014 CHES provides information about the positioning of 268 parties on political ideology, European integration, and various policy areas. The survey covers political parties in 31 countries, including all European Union member states, plus Norway, Switzerland and Turkey. The 2014 survey has been combined with prior waves to produce a trend file with five time points from 1999 to 2014, making the CHES the longest-running, most extensive expert survey on political parties in Europe.
Ryan Bakker, Erica Edwards, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Jelle Koedam, Filip Kostelka, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Gijs Schumacher, Marco Steenbergen, Milada Anna Vachudova, and Marko Zilovic.
how to cite
When using 2014 expert survey, cite the following:
Polk, Jonathan, Jan Rovny, Ryan Bakker, Erica Edwards, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Jelle Koedam, Filip Kostelka, Gary Marks, Gijs Schumacher, Marco Steenbergen, Milada Anna Vachudova and Marko Zilovic. 2017. "Explaining the salience of anti-elitism and reducing political corruption for political parties in Europe with the 2014 Chapel Hill Expert Survey data," Research & Politics (January-March): 1-9.
2014 CHES candidate survey
This dataset provides the data for the 2014 Chapel Hill Expert Survey of EU candidate countries and Ukraine. It provides the positioning of 62 political parties on political ideology, European inte- gration, and policy positions in 7 countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine. The survey was administered in 2014 and 2015 to 125 experts specializing in political parties and European integration in one of the countries considered.
Dataset (STATA) (in csv)
Ryan Bakker, Erica Edwards, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Jelle Koedam, Filip Kostelka, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Gijs Schumacher, Marco Steenbergen, Milada Anna Vachudova, and Marko Zilovic.
how to cite
When using the 2014 candidate survey, cite the following:
Polk, Jonathan, Jan Rovny, Ryan Bakker, Erica Edwards, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Jelle Koedam, Filip Kostelka, Gary Marks, Gijs Schumacher, Marco Steenbergen, Milada Anna Vachudova and Marko Zilovic. 2017. "Explaining the salience of anti-elitism and reducing political corruption for political parties in Europe with the 2014 Chapel Hill Expert Survey data," Research & Politics (January-March): 1-9.
2010 CHES expert survey
The 2010 CHES collects policy and ideological stances of the leadership of national political parties for all member states of the European Union (EU) other than Cyprus, Luxembourg and Malta. The 2010 wave also encompasses two non-EU European countries, Norway and Switzerland, as well as recent EU member Croatia and long-time candidate Turkey. The 2010 survey was conducted in the spring of 2011 and covers 237 national parties in these 28 countries.
Dataset (STATA) (in csv)
Ryan Bakker, Catherine de Vries, Erica Edwards, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, Milada Anna Vachudova
how to cite
When using the 2010 expert survey file, cite the following:
Ryan Bakker, Catherine de Vries, Erica Edwards, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, Milada Anna Vachudova (2015), "Measuring Party Positions in Europe: The Chapel Hill Expert Survey Trend File, 1999-2010," Party Politics, 21.1: 143-152.
2007 Candidate countries survey
The 2007 candidate survey was conducted in the summer of 2007. The survey replicates key questions from the 2006 expert survey in five candidate states: Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey.
Dataset (STATA) (in csv)
Ryan Bakker, Anna Brigevich, Catherine de Vries, Erica Edwards, Liesbet Hooghe, Gary Marks, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen and Milada Anna Vachudova
how to cite
When using the 2007 candidate survey file, cite the following:
Liesbet Hooghe, Ryan Bakker, Anna Brigevich, Catherine de Vries, Erica Edwards, Gary Marks, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, Milada Anna Vachudova (2010), "Reliability and Validity of Measuring Party Positions: The Chapel Hill Expert Surveys of 2002 and 2006", European Journal of Political Research, 49: 684-703.
2006 Chapel Hill expert survey
The 2006 survey was conducted in the summer of 2007 and covers 227 national political parties in 29 countries. The survey replicates questions from the Ray and the 1999 Chapel Hill datasets on European integration, issue salience and internal party dissent; replicates questions from the 1999 CHES dataset on five EU policies: cohesion policy, internal market, foreign and security policy, powers of the European parliament and enlargement; adds questions on party positioning and salience for 13 non-EU policy dimensions surveyed by Benoit & Laver (2006); and extends country coverage beyond the 14 larger Western EU members in the Ray and Chapel Hill 1999 datasets to post-communist countries (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia, and Estonia.)
Dataset (STATA) (in csv)
Ryan Bakker, Anna Brigevich, Catherine de Vries, Erica Edwards, Liesbet Hooghe, Gary Marks, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, and Milada Anna Vachudova
how to cite
When using the 2006 expert survey file, cite the following:
Liesbet Hooghe, Ryan Bakker, Anna Brigevich, Catherine de Vries, Erica Edwards, Gary Marks, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, Milada Anna Vachudova (2010), "Reliability and Validity of Measuring Party Positions: The Chapel Hill Expert Surveys of 2002 and 2006", European Journal of Political Research, 49: 684-703.
2002 Chapel Hill expert survey
The 2002 survey was conducted in spring 2003 and covers 171 national parties in 23 countries. The survey replicates questions from the Ray and the 1999 Chapel Hill datasets on European integration, issue salience and internal party dissent; replicates questions from the 1999 CHES dataset on five EU policies: cohesion policy, internal market, foreign and security policy, powers of the European parliament and enlargement; and extends country coverage beyond the 14 larger Western EU members in the Ray and Chapel Hill 1999 datasets to nine post-communist countries (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia).
Dataset (STATA) (in csv)
Expert-level dataset: West (STATA) (in cvs) & East (STATA) (in csv)
Erica Edwards, Liesbet Hooghe, Gary Marks, Moira Nelson, David Scott, Marco Steenbergen and Milada Anna Vachudova
how to cite
When using the 2002 expert survey file, cite the following:
Liesbet Hooghe, Ryan Bakker, Anna Brigevich, Catherine de Vries, Erica Edwards, Gary Marks, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, Milada Anna Vachudova (2010), "Reliability and Validity of Measuring Party Positions: The Chapel Hill Expert Surveys of 2002 and 2006", European Journal of Political Research, 49: 684-703.
Archived: 1999-2014 Chapel Hill Expert Survey (CHES) trend file
The Chapel Hill expert surveys estimate party positioning on European integration, ideology and policy issues for national parties in a variety of European countries. The first survey was conducted in 1999, with subsequent waves in 2002, 2006, 2010, and 2014. The number of countries increased from 14 Western European countries in 1999 to 24 current or prospective EU members in 2006 to 31 countries in 2014. In this time, the number of national parties grew from 143 to 268. The 2014 survey includes all EU member states, plus parties in Norway, Switzerland, and Turkey. Separate surveys were conducted in the Balkan candidate countries. Questions on parties' general position on European integration, several EU policies, general left/right, economic left/right, and social left/right are common to all surveys. More recent surveys also contain questions on non-EU policy issues, such as immigration, redistribution, decentralization, and environmental policy.
dataset available upon request, but 1999-2019 Trend file is recommended
how to cite
Polk, Jonathan, Jan Rovny, Ryan Bakker, Erica Edwards, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Jelle Koedam, Filip Kostelka, Gary Marks, Gijs Schumacher, Marco Steenbergen, Milada Vachudova, Marko Zilovic. 2017. “Explaining the Salience of Anti-elitism and Reducing Political Corrup- tion for Political Parties in Europe with the 2014 Chapel Hill Expert Survey Data.” Research & Politics (January-March): 1–9.
Bakker, Ryan, Catherine de Vries, Erica Edwards, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen and Milada Anna Vachudova. 2015. ”Measuring Party Positions in Europe: The Chapel Hill Expert Survey Trend File, 1999–2010.” Party Politics 21.1 (January): 143–152.
1999 Chapel Hill expert survey
The 1999 survey was conducted in the spring and summer of 2000 and covers 143 national parties in the 15 current EU countries. The survey replicates questions from the Ray dataset on European integration, issue salience and internal party dissent and adds positional data on five EU policies: cohesion policy, internal market, foreign and security policy, powers of the European parliament and enlargement.
Dataset (STATA) (in csv)
Liesbet Hooghe, Gary Marks, David Scott, Marco Steenbergen, and Carole Wilson
how to cite
When using the 1999 expert survey file, cite the following:
Marco Steenbergen and Gary Marks (2007). "Evaluating Expert Judgments," European Journal of Political Research, 46.3: 347-366.
Ray-Marks-Steenbergen survey
An earlier survey was conducted by Leonard Ray for 1984, 1988, 1992, and 1996. The combined Ray-Marks-Steenbergen dataset merges the 1999 Chapel Hill survey with the Ray dataset. The original variable names and party ids in the Ray data are relabeled to make them consistent with the Chapel Hill survey. Researchers can combine this dataset with the 2002, 2006, and 2010 data. The original Ray dataset is available on Ray's website.
Leonard Ray, Gary Marks, Marco Steenbergen
how to cite
When using the combined Ray-Marks-Steenbergen dataset, cite the following:
- Marco Steenbergen and Gary Marks (2007). "Evaluating Expert Judgments," European Journal of Political Research, 46.3: 347-366.
Leonard Ray (1999), "Measuring party orientations toward European integration: Results from an expert survey," European Journal of Political Research, 36.2: 283-306.